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The future development of plastic laser welding automation technology
2024-05-07 13:34:27
[abstract] Plastic laser welding technology is a new type of welding technology that is highly precise, efficient, and pollution-free, and is now widely used. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, plastic laser welding technology is also constan

Plastic laser welding technology is a new type of welding technology that is highly precise, efficient, and pollution-free, and is now widely used. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, plastic laser welding technology is also constantly developing, and its future development trend has attracted much attention. This article will analyze the future development of plastic laser welding automation technology from the following aspects:

1. Improve laser welding parameters and improve welding quality

Parameter selection for plastic laser welding has an important impact on welding quality. Future research needs to conduct in-depth studies on the welding process to optimize laser welding parameters and thereby improve welding quality. At the same time, it is also necessary to study how to control the energy distribution of laser radiation to improve the quality and stability of the weld.

2. We are developing new plastic laser welding materials

The material quality of plastic laser welding directly affects the quality of the weld. To do this, we need to develop new laser welding materials. These materials should have high melting points and heat of fusion, low thermal expansion coefficients, and excellent chemical corrosion resistance to meet the needs of various welding usage scenarios. This becomes an important research direction in the future.


3. Develop laser welding equipment suitable for complex shapes

In actual production, it is sometimes necessary to weld complex-shaped plastic products. However, the laser welding equipment currently on the market can only be used to weld simple-shaped plastic products and cannot meet the demand for complex shapes. Therefore, in the future, laser welding equipment for complex shapes needs to be developed to meet the needs of various application scenarios.

4. Expand the applicable fields of laser welding technology

At present, the application of laser welding technology is not limited to the welding of plastics, but can also be used for the welding of metal, glass, ceramics and other materials. In the future, we need to further expand the application fields of laser welding technology and apply it to a wider range.

5. Enhanced laser welding technology to improve intelligence and automation levels

With the continuous development of intelligence and automation technology, laser welding technology also needs to continuously improve its intelligence and automation level. Future research needs to focus on the problems existing in the laser welding process, such as welding speed, welding quality and welding position, and develop more intelligent and automated laser welding equipment to improve production efficiency and production quality.
6. Promote the combination of laser welding technology with other technologies

The combination of laser welding technology and other technologies has become a research hotspot in the future. For example, the combination of laser welding technology, 3D printing technology, and robotics technology can form a new, integrated production method to cope with high-demand complex product production needs.

All in all, plastic laser welding technology is a rapidly developing new technology. Future research directions and development trends mainly involve optimizing laser welding parameters, developing new plastic laser welding materials, developing laser welding equipment suitable for complex shapes, expanding the application fields of laser welding technology, and improving the intelligence and automation level of laser welding technology. And promote the integration of laser welding technology and other technologies. These studies will help further improve the quality and efficiency of laser welding technology and promote its widespread application in various fields.


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