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Fiber laser welder of plastic enclosures for sensors
2024-01-17 11:31:15
[abstract] Fiber laser welder is a highly advanced technique used for joining plastic enclosures in sensor manufacturing. This process involves the use of laser energy to create a strong and precise bond between plastic components, ensuring the integrity of the sens

Key Steps:

  1. Alignment: The plastic components of the sensor enclosure are accurately aligned to ensure a proper fit before the laser welding process begins.

  2. Laser Irradiation: A laser beam is precisely directed to the welding interface of the plastic components. The energy from the laser induces localized melting and bonding, creating a seamless connection.

  3. Weld Formation: As the laser moves along the welding path, the melted plastic cools and solidifies, forming a robust and durable weld joint.


  • Precision: Laser welding offers high precision, enabling the creation of intricate and reliable welds in sensor plastic enclosures.
  • Non-contact: The non-contact nature of laser welding minimizes the risk of contamination and damage to sensitive sensor components.
  • Clean Welds: Laser welding produces clean and aesthetically pleasing welds with minimal thermal impact on the surrounding material.

Applications: Laser welding of plastic enclosures is widely applied in the manufacturing of sensors for various industries, including automotive, medical devices, consumer electronics, and industrial automation. The process ensures the hermetic sealing of sensors while maintaining the required mechanical and thermal properties.


  • Hermetic Sealing: Laser welding provides an effective means of achieving hermetic seals, protecting sensitive sensor components from environmental factors.
  • Enhanced Durability: The resulting weld joints exhibit high strength and durability, ensuring the longevity and reliability of the sensor housing.
  • Versatility: Laser welding is suitable for a variety of plastic materials commonly used in sensor enclosures, offering versatility in sensor design and production.