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Everyone may have the same annoying moment when trying a bag of potato chips. It is not easy to open the bag, sometimes the small bag is easy to open, there are laser markings. , you can open it easily. But you have to put your hand into the bag while eating, and as a result, your hands are dirty with oil and crumbs. It is not friendly to share it with someone because the open side cannot accommodate two hands at the same time. This design proposes a new way to enjoy chips by helping to solve such problems.
Everyone may have the same annoying moment when trying a bag of potato chips. It is not easy to open the bag, sometimes the small bag is easy to open, there are laser markings. , you can open it easily. But you have to put your hand into the bag while eating, and as a result, your hands are dirty with oil and crumbs. It is not friendly to share it with someone because the open side cannot accommodate two hands at the same time. This design proposes a new way to enjoy chips by helping to solve such problems.
Portable offers an innovative design for potato chip bags
Instead of grabbing the top of the bag and tearing it open, the bag can be opened by peeling it from the front, which prevents your hands from being covered in potato chip crumbs while eating from the bag. This easy-open design is emphasized with graphics. The image of the ceramic plate can be peeled away, giving the illusion that you are not actually eating from the bag of chips. If you plan to eat the entire bag in one sitting, you can peel off the entire label, or reattach it for snacks later.
Advantages of peel and reseal packaging
1. Improve consumer convenience and reduce food waste
2. Maintain product quality
3. Can be reopened multiple times
4. Enhance brand value
How to make a peel and rewrap that is easy to open?
Laminating films usually require at least 2 or 3 layers. The upper and lower layers are laser-scribed into shapes of different sizes to achieve a fitting effect. The difficulty in designing this packaging converter is that the glue used for the laminating film needs to be peeled off multiple times in a clean and repeatable manner.
Generally, easy-open bags require two laser beams acting up and down at the same time. The specific design needs to be determined according to the customer's film width and requirements. If you need more information, please contact our team for consultation.
What are the applications for Peel & Reseal Packaging?
Designed not only for potato chip bags, Peel & Reseal Packaging can be used in a variety of applications from lunch meats to polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays in high pressure pasteurization (HPP) applications, facilitating sealing to flexible, semi-rigid and rigid molded materials.
Its well-known expansion products are resealable lidding films for trays, and can also include micro-holes or laser perforations for MAP applications for many advanced packaging solutions.
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