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What are the application advantages of laser welding equipment (what are the main advantages)

Release time:2021-10-29 10:27:53


Laser welding or laser beam welding is one of the most widely known and accurate types of welding processes. It is a non-contact, high power density welding process used to join multiple pieces of material together using the energy from a laser beam. Aerospace, defense and military, medical, electronics, petrochemical refining, communications, and energy are some of the common areas where laser welding technology is widely used.

Plastic laser welding or laser beam welding is one of the most widely known and accurate types of welding processes. It is a non-contact, high-power density welding process used to join multiple pieces of material together using the energy from a laser beam. Aerospace, defense and military, medical, electronics, petrochemical refining, communications, and energy are some of the common fields where laser welding technology is widely used.

1. Deep weld penetration and minimized heat input are special features that distinguish laser welding products from other traditional welding processes;

2. Pulsed or continuous laser beams are used depending on the welding application;

3. There are many types of laser welding available, the most popular types include Nd:YAG laser welding, CO2 laser welding and diode laser welding;

4. Deep and narrow welds without any deformation and minimal heat-affected zone can be achieved using our laser welding machine, which can work at higher travel speeds.


What are the application advantages of laser welding equipment (what are the main advantages)(图1)

Application advantages of laser welding

Establish low power control with minimal heat input, which can handle consistent welding depths from 0.001 to 0.250 inches. We have the ability to perform precision laser welding of foils, thin sensor diaphragms and all other components, so accurate welding depths are required. Our ability to make flawless precision welds of dissimilar metals without the use of additional filler material illustrates the versatility of our process.

路 Cost Effectiveness: No physical limitations of enclosures or vacuum chambers allow for simplified setup, fast cycles, and less complex single-station tooling.

路 Low Power Control: Precision welding of foils, thin sensor diaphragms, and other critical components requiring consistent weld depths from 0.001" to 0.250" with minimal heat input.

路 Low Heat: Pulsed lasers help keep critical electronics and other components cool.

路 Versatility: Weld dissimilar metals without the need for additional filler material.

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