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Five things to know about laser die cutting and traditional die cutting

Release time:2021-05-08 15:11:36


Good and accurate sign often requires the right equipment, knowledge and experience. In the existing market, the equipment we usually use is generally laser die-cutting machines and traditional knife die-cutting machines to cut signs.

A precise and good sign often requires the right equipment, knowledge and experience. In the existing market, the equipment we commonly use is generally laser die-cutting machines and traditional knife diesDie-cutting Machine to cut the sign. Laisai Laser only provides laser die-cutting equipment for various types of signs, and it can also be used for electronic components and some other products. So today we will talk about five things about laser die-cutting and traditional die-cutting.

Five things to know about laser die cutting and traditional die cutting(图1)


When to use a traditional die cutter:

It is best to use a die cutter when nameplates or other products do not require complex shapes. It is best to use a die cutter to cut things like outer shapes and inner holes because it is faster than a laser.


How they are each set up:

Laser Die CuttersWork using a computer program. The specifications are programmed into the computer, which then operates the laser. The dies used for the die cutters require a mold to be made, and creating the mold usually takes much longer than programming the computer.


Advantages of Laser Die Cutting vs. Traditional Die Cutting:

The laser does not heat the material when cutting it, as a die cutter does. The heat generated by a die cutter tends to warp the material, which can create excessive waste for the project. Reducing the amount of wasted material will reduce the overall cost of the project.


Laser machines also do not wear out over time like die castings do, because the laser mechanism does not directly contact the material. Instead, the beam does all the work. With a die cutter, the die wears out from friction as it grinds down the material, and must be replaced with a new one in a timely manner.

Another advantage of a laser cutter is that you do not need the space you need to store individual orders, as you do with dies. Once an order is completed, the dies need to be stored on a shelf. This can take up valuable space in the facility, and the dies may have to be discarded after the order is completed to ensure there is room to work in the building. Laser orders are stored in a computer, which takes up very little space.

A laser cutter can be adjusted if there is a problem with the computer program, whereas once a die is made, it cannot be changed.

Die cutters are great for projects when many layers must be cut at once. Die cutters can make single cuts. Lasers are more limited in their ability to cut multiple layers at once. Die cutters are also faster at cutting materials when precision cuts are not required.

Laser cutters and traditional Die Cutters can work together. Lasers can make precise cuts where die cutters make large cuts.


Turnaround Time for Orders:

Lasers use computer technology to store cutting sequences. Once a cutting sequence is stored, it can be easily programmed into a computer and the cutting process can begin immediately. In most cases, you can get your order in faster with laser cutting than with die cutting.

Die cutting machine orders have a slightly longer turnaround time due to the amount of time it takes to create the die or order. Also, as mentioned before, dies wear out over time, and an order may have to be stopped while a new die is created and placed on the cutting machine.

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