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What are the classifications and principles of laser cleaning?

Release time:2021-04-30 13:31:01


There are many cleaning methods for conventional cleaning of industrial equipment, most of which use chemical agents and mechanical methods. Compared with traditional cleaning methods such as mechanical friction cleaning, chemical corrosion cleaning, liquid solid strong impact cleaning, high-frequency ultrasonic cleaning, etc ., laser cleaning has the advantages of no grinding.

There are many cleaning methods for conventional cleaning industrial equipment, mostly using chemical agents and mechanical methods. Compared with traditional cleaning methods such as mechanical friction cleaning, chemical corrosion cleaning, liquid solid strong impact cleaning, high-frequency ultrasonic cleaning, etc., laser cleaning has the characteristics of no grinding, no contact, low thermal effect, and is suitable for objects of various materials. It is considered to be a reliable and effective solution.
The composition and structure of the attachments on the target surface are complex, and the action mechanism of the laser varies. The commonly used theoretical models are as follows.
Through the focusing of the optical system, the laser energy generated by the laser can achieve high energy concentration. The focusing laser can generate a high temperature of thousands or even tens of thousands of degrees near the focus, causing the attachments on the surface of the object to be instantly vaporized or decomposed.
Due to the irradiation of laser, the attachments on the surface of the object expand at high temperature. When the expansion force of the attachments is greater than the adsorption force between them and the substrate, they will detach from the surface of the object.
High-frequency and high-power pulsed laser is used to impact the surface of the object, generating ultrasonic waves on the surface of the object. The ultrasonic waves enter the hard surface of the middle and lower layers and then return to the object, interfering with the incident sound waves to generate high-energy resonance waves, causing the dirt to micro-crack, break, and detach from the surface of the substrate. The absorption coefficient of the laser beam by the object and the surface attachments.

At present, there is no unified standard for the structure of laser cleaning equipment, which needs to be determined according to factors such as the actual cleaning method, the type of substrate and dirt, the required cleaning effect, etc. However, they are basically the same in some basic structures, mainly including laser, mobile platform, real-time monitoring system, semi-automatic control operating system and other auxiliary systems.
What are the classifications and principles of laser cleaning?(图1)

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