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Automatic laser film cutting machine

Automatic laser film cutting machine

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category:Laser Die Cutting Machine

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  1. The fully automatic laser film cutting machine is a high-tech product that integrates visual positioning, laser cutting, and automatic feeding, and is also an intelligent robot.
  2. Diaphragm: It is an important component of micro microphones (microphones), widely used in various microphones, mobile phones, walkman, micro speakers, etc. China's diaphragm production accounts for 90% of the world. 4 billion animals are needed annually.
  3. Diaphragm is also an important part of electronic cigarettes. China is also a major producer of electronic cigarettes, accounting for 95% of the world's output and most of its exports. In 2015, the output was 860 million cigarettes, which should be more than 1 billion cigarettes in 2016. Electronic cigarettes need vibrating Membrane computing calculation, which requires 1 billion cigarettes every year.
  4. The diaphragm is a small component of a copper ring with a diameter of approximately 3 millimeters adhered to a thin film with a thickness of 0.02 millimeters. There can be a maximum of over 1000 diaphragms on a thin film, which requires cutting one after another. The cutting requirements are extremely high. The cut diaphragm should not have burrs or edges, with an allowable error of 0.02mm. In the past, it relied on manual cutting. A female worker works 12 hours a day, cutting around 20000 pieces, with high work intensity. He often cannot recruit workers, and even goes to prison to find female prisoners for cutting. In addition, the cutting blades have significant wear and tear, requiring 7-8 tool replacements per day.
  5. The fully automatic laser film cutting machine achieves fully automatic cutting, with a cutting speed of approximately 30000 units per hour. The workload of one machine is equivalent to the workload of 13-14 workers. Due to laser cutting, there are no issues with tool wear or replacement. The working process of the laser cutting machine:
  6. Place the entire diaphragm on the workbench, trigger the start signal, and the workbench moves below the industrial camera lens;
  7. The camera collects images and provides diaphragm position data based on the image computer;
  8. The workbench receives position movement information, and the laser cutting machine receives diaphragm position data. Based on the position data, the diaphragm is cut one by one, and during this period, it cooperates with the movement. After taking the first bisection, move the workbench to the laser cutting station. After taking the second bisection, the laser starts cutting the first bisection. Wait a moment, go back and forth. Within a few seconds after taking the last bisection, the laser cuts the last bisection.
  9. Laser cutting machine technology is advanced: visual positioning is high-precision, not high-tech, but accurate to 0.02 millimeters is high-tech, including visual technology, high-precision mechanical structure, high-precision laser cutting technology, computer algorithms, and motion control technology.